Christ-Centered Learning—Anytime, Anywhere

Basics Series

Limited study time? The Basics Series is for you! Each course covers the essentials of the subject matter in short segments—about 25 minutes or less. Just add a few minutes to your devotional time and you’ll soon have a basic understanding of the course content. These eight courses are also included on the flash drives we’re distributing to pastors across the world who lack biblical training but don’t have access to traditional or online education.

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Spiritual Life Basics

The Spiritual Life Basics course begins with explaining how to know for sure that you have eternal life through Jesus Christ. Then you learn how to develop and grow in your relationship with Jesus…

Bible Basics

Are you curious about the Bible? Is any of it even relevant for today? The Bible Basics course provides you with an overview of the Bible and will demonstrate how the Old and New Testament books…

Bible Study Basics

The Bible is where God instructs His people about His nature and His will. Jesus said He wants each of us to “have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10, NIV). The Bible is where God describes…

Old Testament Basics

Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jonah, Samson, and David. Have you heard of these people? Their stories are part of the Old Testament and are important even today. This study of the Old Testament will help…

New Testament Basics

“ How to Get Out of the World Alive ” might be a better title for the New Testament. The main theme of the New Testament is that Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners and to give you a…

Theology Basics

Does the word doctrine intimidate you? How would you define doctrine? Doctrine is defined as biblical truths that are taught, believed, and practiced. When you understand the term, it can encourage…

World Religions Basics

The world is getting smaller all the time. People are moving into your neighborhood that have different religious beliefs than you do. How can you be respectful and genuine with them if you don’t…

Worldview Basics

Worldview Basics How would your life be different if you had been born into another home, culture, or religious faith? Your perspective of life is influenced by your culture, your background, and…
